The clock is starting to tick down the minutes until I officially go from a Miss to a Mrs.. No matter how you say it, time is of the essence and I think I am running out of it.
For the last few weeks lets get real more like the last few days... I have been trying to get through all the crap that I have accumulated in the five years that has landed into my little 12x12 room (or how ever big it is). Needless to say I have yet to sleep in the middle or left side of my bed and you can barely walk around the room due to the presence of totes and boxes and things to get rid of in some shape of form. To make things a little bit more complicated, as I am packing, I have to start determining what is essential enough for me to move down to Utah with as the apartment that I will be living in isn't exactly the Taj Maj Hall. However, the silver lining in that is that at least Mark and I will be close together AND we will be looking at some other apartments in his current complex that are bigger to move into. So hopefully its not too long before I can be reunited with more than just the important stuff.
So on top of all the packing I am still in the middle of finalizing wedding details for our ceremony and reception. This has placed a little bit more of a stress on me because Mark and I will already be married by the time the ring ceremony and reception comes around. I am glad we are doing the ring exchange because it allows for those who were unable to be in the temple with us as we were married and sealed and those who might not have been able to make the 45 minute drive north due to work or other problems, that they can still feel included in the whole wedding ceremony too.
And if you have any knowledge of LDS marriages and ring ceremonies you will know that a ring ceremony is not like your standard civil marriage. From what I have read and talked with people on it, it reminds me being at a baptism. You have the opening and closing prayers, a musical number, a talk by the bishop or who ever, a few words by some friends and family and/or the bride and groom themselves and then you have the exchange of the rings. That is it! Bing, bang boom your done! So this little ceremony we have set up in the Relief Society Room at the church which gives another space in which to make somewhat decorated and coherent to the rest of the decorations.
I believe after much searching the world wide web and Pinterest (I don't know what I did before that dream site)I think I have found the answer to my prayers...I think. All I know that is this whole thing has me just a little stressed out and I know (and my family can attest to this) when I am stressed, I am grumpy and short...when that happens I tend to make everyone else that way. Don't know why but it always seems to happen and tensions start to run high. At this point...come August 18th, I just might sleep or die...which ever might happen from the exhaustion.
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