Monday, January 3, 2011

It's A Brand New Day...

Or should I say year??? So can I just say I am glad that it is 2011!! What a year 2010 had been. Let me first start out by saying I apologize to my readers (I know there are a few of you out there) for not being up to date as I had hoped. The last month has been insane.

With finals and end of semester projects to complete and study for...I had been a little busy. Finals ended the week before Christmas and to be honest, I just relaxed for that rest of the month.

I hope everyone though had a great christmas holiday. I spent mine getting over strep throat. Yeah, sitting in the ER christmas day (well afternoon) was not what I had planned, nor having a fever of 101.4 on christmas eve. It has been FUN at our house. I am getting over it and lets just say, I am THANKFUL for antibiotics!!!

Hopefully everyone was also safe during the New Year and that everyone had some fun in ringing in the new year. I stayed at home, which I was perfectly fine, cuddled up with a good book (The Autobiography of Henry VIII) and fell asleep. So since it is a new year I am going to try to and make some new years resolutions. Mainly I am going to strive for better time management, healthier lifestyle, working on my Personal Progress (its hard to encourage the girls to do it if I myself am not doing it), and working on developing my talents and new hobbies. If I don't exactly stick to them or "keep" them, that is ok too. I just have to remind myself that I am not perfect and to try again tomorrow.

Anyway, I hope this first entry of the new year finds everyone in good health and happiness. I will strive to keep this more well as my other blog that I have set up for my YW's calling, feel free to also check that out to see what we have been up to (the link is on the right: we are daughters of a heavenly king). If I begin to slack...let me know!!

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